Toro Geography

The Office of University Effectiveness, Planning, & Analytics (UEPA) makes use of geographic information systems (GIS) to provide spatial analysis and to visualize information for the campus, our service areas and beyond. These tools help provide additional information about the surrounding communities, schools, political districts, etc. as well as the distribution of our students in the surrounding areas. This spatial information provides campus stakeholders additional insight into the “where” when making decisions regarding campus resources and direction. ArcGIS software and training are available to the campus community. In addition to resources linked below, please visit the GIS Hub for downloadable data layers, additional projects, and resources.


Static maps available upon request
  • Employee numbers by ZIP code/city for Spring 20
  • Student numbers by ZIP code/city for Fall 19
  • Freshmen origin and ethnicity Fall 19
  • Transfer origin and ethnicity 18/19
  • CSUDH students’ distance from campus 2017-2019
  • Travel distance for FTF and Transfer students 2017

* Please contact Michael Ferris at for the updated maps

Please submit a data request form for further questions or needs

Request Form